Fossilization (n.) - When you reach the point in moving toward a goal or learning a skill where you no longer feel a need to improve or grow in that area, it is called fossilization. There is a sense of, "You know what? This is good enough." Being okay with the status quo can be healthy or unhealthy depending on the importance of the goal or skill to your happiness. Many areas in life don't require total mastery for you to enjoy their benefits You took guitar lessons and only learned three chords? That may be enough for you to enjoy the guitar without learning so much you could be the next Eric Clapton. You will have learned the guitar "good enough" for you to be happy with it. You really wanted to be a VP but you haven't been successful in moving up so far? Would deciding you are okay with your career stopping where it is at be "good enough" for you or would dropping that goal be "giving up?" Only you would know the answer to that question. Understanding fossilization means being honest with yourself about when you are really okay with something being "good enough" and when not going further would actually be "giving up." Tuesdays – Word of the Week This day is dedicated to key terms and definitions to help you gain a better understanding and increase your mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and educational leadership vocabulary. Comments are closed.
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