Mirror Principle (n.) The idea that your life is a reflection of who you are and what you believe is called the Mirror Principle. Each decision, how you respond to conflict and difficult events, how you encode the world, what you think about yourself, and what you are willing to accept have all merged together to create the life you are currently living. The mirror principle is often talked about when discussing thoughts and ways of thinking that get in the way of living the life you want. Since many decisions and responses in thinking are actually made on auto-pilot, working with the Mirror Principle means reviewing where the thoughts you think came from. Often times, the broader culture, parents, family, friends, and influential figures in your life have passed on their own ways of thinking to you. With examination, you may find that many of your thoughts are not your own. You have just picked them up through social conditioning. When you find areas of your life that aren't working, it's a sign that your thoughts around that area need examination and, often, updating. Understanding that it's the thoughts that underlie your actions that need shifting and not just the actions themselves is the key to this principle. Tuesdays – Word of the Week
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