![]() Today’s flaw in thinking is the bias blind spot. If you have a bias blind spot, you are more able to see other people’s biases than your own and you may think of biases as something other people have -- not you. Or, if you do admit to having an unconscious partiality, the blind spot means you are highly likely to see yourself as far less affected by it than other people. But, it’s true. I really am less biased than other people. You may really hate admitting you have biases but they are there. And, they are often not something you are conscious of until they are pointed out. If you haven’t read Become Aware of Your Bias, check it out. The journal entry has a link to an online assessment. Be willing to see, confront, and deal with your subjectivity. You are not the exception to the rule. Fridays – Flaws in Thinking
There are some common errors in thinking (more formally called cognitive distortions and biases) that can get in the way of healthy and helpful thinking. Each Friday, you will learn a new term to help in seeing your own thinking more clearly. Comments are closed.
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